Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our vision (tūruapō)

To be the Destination, Experience and Company of Choice

Our mission (whāinga)

To Identify, Develop & Deliver WOW based experiences.

Our values (whanonga pono)

  • Manaakitanga (Customer)
  • Tino Rangatiratanga (Company)
  • Iwi Whanui (Community)
  • Kaitiakitanga (Conservation)
  • Whakapapa (Culture)


New Zealand tourism's official mark of quality.

Qualmark works with Tourism New Zealand to help the tourism industry deliver high-quality experiences and maintain a high level of visitor satisfaction.

Whale Watch Kaikoura is proud to be a Qualmark Gold Awarded Visitor Activity

Qualmark Gold Accreditation

A Gold business is a best-in-class sustainable tourism business in New Zealand, delivering exceptional customer experiences, an integral part of everything they do. A Gold Sustainable Tourism Accreditation identifies those businesses leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world-class sustainable visitor destination.

Qualmark Gold Award Logo Stacked


Nau Mai Haere Mai Ki Whale Watch Kaikoura   

To minimize disappointment, we recommend booking your tour well in advance of your preferred day of travel. 

  • To book now, or to check our tour availability, please click on the following link BOOK NOW 
  • To find answers to many of your questions please click on the following link FIND OUT MORE