
暗色斑紋海豚 Dusky Dolphins


Dusky Dolphins

賀氏矮海豚 Hector's Dolphins

賀氏矮海豚是世界上體型最小最珍稀的海洋海豚,具有獨一無二的圓形背鰭,只有在新西蘭海域才可看到這種海豚。在凱庫拉,常可以由4到8只海豚組成 的小海豚群在海岸邊遊泳嬉戲。由於漁網以及農場排泄的磷化物導致的海洋汙染,賀氏矮海豚被列為有滅絕危險的動物。它們的壽命為20年,可以長到1.5米 長。

Hectors Haley Bacter7

新澳毛皮海獅 NZ Fur Seals

新澳毛皮海獅在凱庫拉海岸沿途多個景點都可以看到。上個世紀人們為了海獅毛皮而捕獵海獅使其幾近滅絕,現在它們是受保護動物。在凱庫拉半島的Point Kean毛皮海獅群居地可以觀賞到成年的毛皮海獅——從凱庫拉鎮可以步行或者短途駕車前往遊覽。

Fur Seal

Nau Mai Haere Mai Ki Whale Watch Kaikoura  


50% OFF Winter Whale Sale T's & C's

  • PARTIAL REFUNDS DO NOT APPLY - In the event of a partial refund the recipient may exchange the remaining value within the Whale Watch Gift Shop or towards the purchase of another Whale Watch Tour. This applies to both combo's & direct 50% off tickets (1st May-30th September).


  • We will be carrying out some much-needed work to repair and upgrade our public carparking area.
  • This work will begin from Thursday 15th August 2024 and weather permitting will be completed on the 30th of Sept 2024.
  • We will do what we can to minimize disruption, unfortunately with this kind of project some disruption will be inevitable.
  • We ask you to please follow safety signs, stay behind any safety barriers and listen to any instruction given to you by our team or lead contractor.
  • If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us directly on 0800 655 121 (within NZ)
  • We apologies for any inconvenience this work may cause.