
暗色斑纹海豚 Dusky Dolphins


Dusky Dolphins

贺氏矮海豚 Hector's Dolphins

贺氏矮海豚是世界上体型最小最珍稀的海洋海豚,具有独一无二的圆形背鳍,只有在新西兰海域才可看到这种海豚。在凯库拉,常可以由4到8只海豚组成的 小海豚群在海岸边游泳嬉戏。由于渔网以及农场排泄的磷化物导致的海洋污染,贺氏矮海豚被列为有灭绝危险的动物。它们的寿命为20年,可以长到1.5米长。

Hectors Haley Bacter6

新西兰海狗 NZ Fur Seals

在凯库拉海岸沿途多个景点我们都可以看到海狗。上个世纪人们为了它们身上的毛皮而大肆捕猎使其几近灭绝,现在它们是受保护动物。在凯库拉半岛的Point Kean海狗聚集地可以观赏到成年的毛皮海狮——从凯库拉镇可以步行或者短途驾车前往游览。请注意,在凯库拉基本没有海狮或海豹,而是海狗。

Fur Seal

Nau Mai Haere Mai Ki Whale Watch Kaikoura  


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  • The tour time you have booked for is when check-in begins and is not when the tour departs, for that reason, there is no need for you to arrive at our office any earlier than at your tour time to check-in.
  • For further information on our tour, please visit FIND OUT MORE

 50% OFF Winter Whale Sale T's & C's

  • PARTIAL REFUNDS DO NOT APPLY - In the event of a partial refund the recipient may exchange the remaining value within the Whale Watch Gift Shop or towards the purchase of another Whale Watch Tour. This applies to both combo's & direct 50% off tickets (1st May-30th September).