Ko wai tātou / Who we are

Ko wai tātou / Who we are

Ko Tapuae o Uenuku te maunga
Ko Waiautoa te awa
Ko Te Tai o Marokura te moana
Ko Takahanga te marae
Ko Maru Kaitatea te whare tupuna
​​​​​​​Ko Te Poha o Tohu Raumati te wharekai

Whale Watch is a multiple national and international award-winning New Zealand nature-based Tourism Company owned and operated by the indigenous Ngāti Kuri people of Kaikōura, a Māori sub-tribe of the South Island's larger Ngāi Tahu Tribe.

Bill Solomon, Ngāti Kuri leader

Whale Watch was formed in 1987 at a time when Māori were casualties of Kaikōura’s declining economy. At this time of difficulty, Ngāti Kuri leaders like (The late) Bill Solomon believed the local Sperm Whales held the answer to the unemployment problems of the Māori community. They knew their ancestor Paikea had journeyed to a new life in New Zealand on the back of the whale Tohorā. It seemed appropriate for Paikea's descendants to again ride on the back of the whale to a new life and prosperity.

And so it proved to be.

The Ngāti Kuri founders of Whale Watch mortgaged their houses to secure a loan to start the business. In the early days passengers travelled aboard a 6.7 metre inflatable vessel carrying 8 passengers at a time. In the first year of operation (1989) 3,000 passengers were carried. In time, the inflatable was replaced by a larger vessel with an upper viewing deck until today the Whale Watch fleet numbers 2 x 24m modern catamarans specially designed for whale watching holding up to 116 passengers. Now up to 100,000 passengers can be carried each year. The expansion of the Whale Watch fleet required the building of an entire marina in South Bay. It is from here that all whale watching tours now depart.

Due to the phenomenal success of Whale Watch, Kaikōura is now one of New Zealand's leading eco-tourism destinations offering a diverse range of exciting activities and experiences. The company has stimulated investment in new accommodation, restaurants and an impressive array of cafes and galleries filled with the work of local artists.

Paikea and Tohorā still form the symbolic centre of Whale Watch. They represent the spiritual bond between the human world and the natural world and speak of the possibilities that reveal themselves when the world of nature is revered rather than exploited.

Ngāti Kuri

Ngāti Kuri are the tangata whenua who have manawhenua and manamoana in the area. Manawhenua and manamoana are determined by whakapapa and confer customary authority. The manawhenua and manamoana status of Ngāti Kuri comes from continuous land use and occupation of the Kaikōura area.

Takahanga Marae is the standing place for Ngāti Kuri. The marae is located on the original site of the ancient Takahanga Pā overlooking the Kaikōura township. It was developed in the 1980’s and the Wharenui (meeting house) officially opened in January 1992. The Marae has traditionally been, and continues to be, the place where Ngāti Kuri, as tangata whenua, gather to kōrero and dialogue with others.

Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura is the modern-day representative of the hapū Ngāti Kuri. Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura are a Papatipu Rūnanga of Ngāi Tahu Whānui, recognised in the First Schedule of the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Act 1996. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu represents the tribal collective of Ngāi Tahu Whānui, and was established by the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Act 1996 to give legal identity to the tribe.

Our Structure

Whale Watch has two shareholders.

  • The Tukete Charitable Trust which represents the local founding whānau members of Whale Watch.
  • Ngāi Tahu Capital which represents our larger tribal entity Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu here in Te Waipounamu/South Island.

Whale Watch is a proud, 100% Māori and Ngāi Tahu business. 

Whale Watch operates a flat organizational structure that removes excessive layers of decision making to support a more agile and adaptive business model. 

Organizational Structure June 2023 v2 

Nau Mai Haere Mai Ki Whale Watch Kaikoura   

To minimize disappointment, we recommend booking your tour well in advance of your preferred day of travel. 

  • To book now, or to check our tour availability, please click on the following link BOOK NOW 
  • To find answers to many of your questions please click on the following link FIND OUT MORE